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  • Stéphane Adjemian's avatar
    Streamlined extended paths routines. · 6328a44f
    Stéphane Adjemian authored
    *  Removed the  necessity (for  the  user) to  run stoch_simul  bebore
    executing the exetended path routine (when options_.init>0).
    *  The  value  of  options_.ep.init  defines the  mix  (used  for  the
    initialization of  the perfect foresight solver)  between the previous
    perfect foresight  solution and  the path obtained  with an  order one
    perturbation approach.
    * Removed timing related statements.
    *  Changed homotopy set-up  for stochastic  extended path:  add future
    multivariate innovations one by one.
    * Endogeneously increase step_length in the homotopy routine.
    * Removed homotopy_2 related code.