This page documents the bugs fixed in released versions of Dynare. For bugs fixed in previous versions of Dynare, please read the dedicated frozen page on the [DynareWiki](http://www.dynare.org/DynareWiki/KnownBugs).
This page documents the bugs fixed in released versions of Dynare. For bugs fixed in previous versions of Dynare, please read the dedicated frozen page on the [DynareWiki](http://www.dynare.org/DynareWiki/KnownBugs).
Bugs fixed in version 5.1
* Various problems with perfect foresight simulations in combination with `block` and/or `bytecode` options of the `model` block:
+ Simulation with `bytecode` and `stack_solve_algo=4` could give incorrect results if the model has a linear block of type “Solve two boundaries simple/complete” (bug fixed in 65e18fe8834b31a885667e0e498e3a2ff0f1f47a)
+ Simulation with `bytecode` and `stack_solve_algo=1` could fail to converge (bug fixed in 67a003aa730e59f7b254353ca124909d69dcaaca)
+ Simulation with `block` (but without `bytecode`) and `stack_solve_algo=1` gave wrong results in the last simulation period if the model has a block of type “Solve two boundaries simple/complete” (bug fixed in 0147faad5f03cc641fd22d3e5733d4862964ef0b)
+ Simulation with `bytecode` and `block` would give incorrect results if the model has a linear block of type “Solve forward simple/complete” (bug fixed in 863fa2de1c04d2a33aef042adacdb78dae4d0ae1)
+ Simulation with `block` (but without `bytecode`) would crash or give incorrect results if the model has a block of type “Solve forward/backward simple/complete” (bug fixed in fa7b331cf4143816a6565e3b5075cc3b10ba879d)
+ Simulation with `bytecode`, `block` and `stack_solve_algo={0,1,4}` would crash or give incorrect results if the model has a block of type “Solve forward/backward complete” (bug fixed in cdb4f872b24dd811c6053026695d342e05d2b1f9 and 188df7711d4f4a704d7768a61ce70d492cfec9a3)
+ Simulation with `block` (but without `bytecode`) gave incorrect results if the model has a block of type “Solve backward simple/complete” (bug fixed in bb793d87cc7dc35fe4fd4767322c2f7b57788eb9)
+ Simulation with `block` (with or without `bytecode`) could give incorrect results if the model has a nonlinear block of type “Solve forward/backward simple/complete” (bug fixed in preprocessor@7fff8b34064a98770151b23e45e52c19bfa40569)
+ Simulation with `bytecode`, `block` and `stack_solve_algo=4` could give incorrect results if the model has a block of type “Solve backward/forward simple/complete” that follows a block of type “Solve two boundaries” (in the sense of the dependency graph) (bug fixed in 96fb676be757725830d354e2d92cc3a947b5ea31)
+ The convergence criterion in simulations with `block` (but without `bytecode`) was incorrect: the value of the `tolf` option from the `steady` command was used instead of the value of `tolf` option from the `perfect_foresight_solver` command (bug fixed in dd1ec10ec897d9271b286c7b3b001237938b1111)
* Various problems with steady state computation in combination with `block` and/or `bytecode` options of the `model` block:
+ Steady state computation with `bytecode` and `block` could fail if some equations are marked `[static]` (bug fixed in preprocessor@b78ac1d31fd27b8cc89ac2162d58d029821f9af1 and 8f5815d01d3604494f4a0bffc5f92d842972b844)
+ Steady state computation with `bytecode`, `block` and `solve_algo` ⩽ 4 or ⩾ 9 could fail
+ Steady state computation with `bytecode`, `block` and `solve_algo=6` would crash or give incorrect results if the model has a block of type “Solve forward/backward complete” (bug fixed in 188df7711d4f4a704d7768a61ce70d492cfec9a3)
* The `check` command would crash or give incorrect results when using the `block` option of the `model` block and if the model has a block of type “Solve backward complete” (bug fixed in dd34554c4e23a12159388d54fe304698c4d64ca5)
* The `static` and `incidence` options of the `model_info` command did not work as documented in the reference manual (bug fixed in 685598c6e2690cfbc4e677cd2148387716ef8243 and preprocessor@7df67819821ac5946e1b4ace3e974752ce533827)
* Various problems with the `method_of_moments` command:
+ It would crash if no `matched_moments` block is present (see !1997)
+ It would always load the full range of the first Excel sheet instead of the `xls_range` of the specified `xls_sheet` (bug fixed in 176baa22)
+ SMM would crash if a parameter draw triggers an error during `additional_optimizer_steps = 13` (see !1998)
+ The `debug` option could not be passed to the command (bug fixed in f3bf8fb8)
* In the `estimation` command, the `scale_file` field of the `posterior_sampler_options` option did not correctly load the scale (see !1999)
* The `moments_varendo` option of the `estimation` command could crash for large models (bug fixed in 28536314)
* The `resid` command would not show `name` tags when used in conjunction with the `ramsey_model` command (bug fixed in a5fe22bd1cf585b4fa3fab4bde958f2f56e8bb8a)
* Simulations with the `occbin_solver` command would not work if there is only a surprise shock in the first period (bug fixed in 3b592534)
* The Liu & West auxiliary particle filter could enter infinite loops (bug fixed in particles@e5a76884332e9ebc608aa50f1abf9ca9c7d0d35a)
Bugs fixed in version 5.0
Bugs fixed in version 5.0
* Equations marked with `static`-tags were not detrended when a `deflator` was specified (bug fixed, see #1827)
* Equations marked with `static`-tags were not detrended when a `deflator` was specified (bug fixed, see #1827)
* Parallel execution of `dsge_var` estimation was broken (bug fixed in 5f732803)
* Parallel execution of `dsge_var` estimation was broken (bug fixed in 5f732803)
* The preprocessor would incorrectly simplify forward-looking constant equations of the form `x(+1)=0` to imply `x=0` (bug fixed in Dynare/preprocessor@1cc51296)
* The preprocessor would incorrectly simplify forward-looking constant equations of the form `x(+1)=0` to imply `x=0` (bug fixed in Dynare/preprocessor@1cc51296)
* Under some circumstances, the use of the `model_local_variable` statement would lead to a crash of the preprocessor (see #1782)
* Under some circumstances, the use of the `model_local_variable` statement would lead to a crash of the preprocessor (see #1782)
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