This page documents the bugs fixed in released versions of Dynare. For bugs fixed in previous versions of Dynare, please read the dedicated frozen page on the [DynareWiki](https://archives.dynare.org/DynareWiki/KnownBugs).
Bugs fixed in version 6.3
* OccBin with option `smoother_inversion_filter` would crash the MCMC estimation if the `filtered_variables` or `filter_step_ahead` options were used (fixed in 353a21ca)
* OccBin with option `smoother_inversion_filter` would use the PKF if `mh_replic>0` (bug fixed in 87abdff3)
* OccBin with option `smoothed_state_uncertainty` would crash Dynare if the MCMC smoother was run after the classical one (bug fixed in c62d9db0)
* OccBin's smoother would crash when encountering an internal error due to the output of the linear smoother not having been computed (bug fixed in 7c318adf)
* Calling `model_info` with `differentiate_forward_vars` would crash (bug fixed in 8313cd5e)
* The `identification` command would compute the asymptotic Hessian via simulation instead of via moments as intended (bug fixed in 4d0a3f2c)
* The `identification` command would crash during prior sampling if the initial draw did not solve the model (bug fixed in 2946b7ea)
* The `gsa_sample_file` was broken (bug fixed in 8aaed032)
* Optimization algorithm `mode_compute=5` (`newrat`) would crash with `analytic_derivation` (bug fixed in 3da4d77f)
* `discretionary_policy` would crash if the model was purely forward-looking (bug fixed in 0668025f and f8405777)
* The `dsample` command would crash (bug fixed in c98eaebe)
* The `conditional_forecast_paths` block did not accept vector inputs (bug fixed in https://git.dynare.org/Dynare/preprocessor/-/commit/9372796b0552b442f2f363cdc987001f4824c779)
* For MCMC chains with fewer than 6000 draws, the default number of `sub_draws` used to compute posterior moments was incorrect (bug fixed in 3b86307c).
* Bi-annual dates (e.g. `2024S1` or `2024H1`) were not accepted within Dynare statements (bug fixed in preprocessor@a992fb1b9c730583edef312f08177bc705d3dddc)
* Plotting `dseries` did not correctly show dates on the x-axis (bug fixed in https://git.dynare.org/Dynare/dseries/-/commit/e2d2f85e36cedb7dc77bcc9fc8e60d044835aa12)
Bugs fixed in version 6.2
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