This page documents the fixed bugs in Dynare. For bugs fixed in previous versions of Dynare, please read the dedicated frozen page on the [DynareWiki](http://www.dynare.org/DynareWiki/KnownBugs).
Bugs in version 4.4.3 that have been fixed in version 4.5.0
- BVAR models
+ `bvar_irf` could display IRFs in an unreadable way when they moved from
negative to positive values,
+ In contrast to what is stated in the documentation, the confidence interval
size `conf_sig` was 0.6 by default instead of 0.9.
- Conditional forecasts
+ The `conditional_forecast` command produced wrong results in calibrated
models when used at initial values outside of the steady state (given with
+ The `plot_conditional_forecast` option could produce unreadable figures if
the areas overlap,
+ The `conditional_forecast` command after MLE crashed,
+ In contrast to what is stated in the manual, the confidence interval size
`conf_sig` was 0.6 by default instead of 0.8.
+ Conditional forecasts were wrong when the declaration of endogenous
variables was not preceeding the declaration of the exogenous
variables and parameters.
- Discretionary policy
+ Dynare allowed running models where the number of instruments did not match
the number of omitted equations,
+ Dynare could crash in some cases when trying to display the solution,
+ Parameter dependence embedded via a `steady_state` was not taken into
account, typically resulting in crashes.
- dseries class
+ When subtracting a dseries object from a number, the number was instead
subtracted from the dseries object.
- DSGE-VAR models
+ Dynare crashed when estimation encountered non-finite values in the Jacobian
at the steady state,
+ The presence of a constant was not considered for degrees of freedom
computation of the Gamma function used during the posterior computation; due
to only affecting the constant term, results should be be unaffected, except
for model_comparison when comparing models with and without.
- Estimation command
+ In contrast to what was stated in the manual, the confidence interval size
`conf_sig` for `forecast` without MCMC was 0.6 by default instead of 0.9,
+ Calling estimation after identification could lead to crashes,
+ When using recursive estimation/forecasting and setting some elements of
`nobs` to be larger than the number of observations T in the data,
`oo_recursive_` contained additional cell entries that simply repeated the
results obtained for `oo_recursive_T`,
+ Computation of Bayesian smoother could crash for larger models when
requesting `forecast` or `filtered_variables`,
+ Geweke convergence diagnostics were not computed on the full MCMC chain when
the `load_mh_file` option was used,
+ The Geweke convergence diagnostics always used the default `taper_steps` and
+ Bayesian IRFs (`bayesian_irfs` option) could be displayed in an unreadable
way when they move from negative to positive values,
+ If `bayesian_irfs` was requested when `mh_replic` was too low to compute
HPDIs, plotting was crashing,
+ The x-axis value in `oo_.prior_density` for the standard deviation and
correlation of measurement errors was written into a field
`mearsurement_errors_*` instead of `measurement_errors_*`,
+ Using a user-defined `mode_compute` crashed estimation,
+ Option `mode_compute=10` did not work with infinite prior bounds,
+ The posterior variances and covariances computed by `moments_varendo` were
wrong for very large models due to a matrix erroneously being filled up with
+ Using the `forecast` option with `loglinear` erroneously added the unlogged
steady state,
+ When using the `loglinear` option the check for the presence of a constant
was erroneously based on the unlogged steady state,
+ Estimation of `observation_trends` was broken as the trends specified as a
function of deep parameters were not correctly updated during estimation,
+ When using `analytic_derivation`, the parameter values were not set before
testing whether the steady state file changes parameter values, leading to
subsequent crashes,
+ If the steady state of an initial parameterization did not solve, the
observation equation could erroneously feature no constant when the
`use_calibration` option was used,
+ When computing posterior moments, Dynare falsely displayed that moment
computations are skipped, although the computation was performed correctly,
+ If `conditional_variance_decomposition` was requested, although all
variables contain unit roots, Dynare crashed instead of providing an error
+ Computation of the posterior parameter distribution was erroneously based
on more draws than specified (there was one additional draw for every Markov
+ The estimation option `lyapunov=fixed_point` was broken,
+ Computation of `filtered_vars` with only one requested step crashed Dynare,
+ Option `kalman_algo=3` was broken with non-diagonal measurement error,
+ When using the diffuse Kalman filter with missing observations, an additive
factor log(2*pi) was missing in the last iteration step,
+ Passing of the `MaxFunEvals` and `InitialSimplexSize` options to
`mode_compute=8` was broken,
+ Bayesian forecasts contained initial conditions and had the wrong length in
both plots and stored variables,
+ Filtered variables obtained with `mh_replic=0`, ML, or
`calibrated_smoother` were padded with zeros at the beginning and end and
had the wrong length in stored variables,
+ Computation of smoothed measurement errors in Bayesian estimation was broken,
+ The `selected_variables_only` option (`mh_replic=0`, ML, or
`calibrated_smoother`) returned wrong results for smoothed, updated, and
filtered variables,
+ Combining the `selected_variables_only` option with forecasts obtained
using `mh_replic=0`, ML, or `calibrated_smoother` leaded to crashes,
+ `oo_.UpdatedVariables` was only filled when the `filtered_vars` option was specified,
+ When using Bayesian estimation with `filtered_vars`, but without
`smoother`, then `oo_.FilteredVariables` erroneously also contained filtered
variables at the posterior mean as with `mh_replic=0`,
+ Running an MCMC a second time in the same folder with a different number of
iterations could result in crashes due to the loading of stale files,
+ Results displayed after Bayesian estimation when not specifying
the `smoother` option were based on the parameters at the mode
from mode finding instead of the mean parameters from the
posterior draws. This affected the smoother results displayed, but
also calls to subsequent command relying on the parameters stored
in `M_.params` like `stoch_simul`,
+ The content of `oo_.posterior_std` after Bayesian estimation was based on
the standard deviation at the posterior mode, not the one from the MCMC, this
was not consistent with the reference manual,
+ When the initialization of an MCMC run failed, the metropolis.log file was
locked, requiring a restart of Matlab to restart estimation,
+ If the posterior mode was right at the corner of the prior bounds, the
initialization of the MCMC erroneously crashed,
+ If the number of dropped draws via `mh_drop` coincided with the number of
draws in a `_mh'-file`, `oo_.posterior.metropolis.mean` and
`oo_.posterior.metropolis.Variance` were NaN.
- Estimation and calibrated smoother
+ When using `observation_trends` with the `prefilter` option, the mean shift
due to the trend was not accounted for,
+ When using `first_obs`>1, the higher trend starting point of
`observation_trends` was not taken into account, leading, among other things,
to problems in recursive forecasting,
+ The diffuse Kalman smoother was crashing if the forecast error variance
matrix becomes singular,
+ The multivariate Kalman smoother provided incorrect state estimates when
all data for one observation are missing,
+ The multivariate diffuse Kalman smoother provided incorrect state estimates
when the `Finf` matrix becomes singular,
+ The univariate diffuse Kalman filter was crashing if the initial covariance
matrix of the nonstationary state vector is singular,
- Forecats
+ In contrast to what is stated in the manual, the confidence interval size
`conf_sig` was 0.6 by default instead of 0.9.
+ Forecasting with exogenous deterministic variables provided wrong decision
rules, yielding wrong forecasts.
+ Forecasting with exogenous deterministic variables crashed when the
`periods` option was not explicitly specified,
+ Option `forecast` when used with `initval` was using the initial values in
the `initval` block and not the steady state computed from these initial
values as the starting point of forecasts.
- Global Sensitivity Analysis
+ Sensitivity with ML estimation could result in crashes,
+ Option `mc` must be forced if `neighborhood_width` is used,
+ Fixed dimension of `stock_logpo` and `stock_ys`,
+ Incomplete variable initialization could lead to crashes with `prior_range=1`.
- Indentification
+ Identification did not correctly pass the `lik_init` option,
requiring the manual setting of `options_.diffuse_filter=1` in
case of unit roots,
+ Testing identification of standard deviations as the only
parameters to be estimated with ML leaded to crashes,
+ Automatic increase of the lag number for autocovariances when the
number of parameters is bigger than the number of non-zero moments
was broken,
+ When using ML, the asymptotic Hessian was not computed,
+ Checking for singular values when the eigenvectors contained only
one column did not work correctly,
- Model comparison
+ Selection of the `modifiedharmonicmean` estimator was broken,
- Optimal Simple Rules
+ When covariances were specified, variables that only entered with
their variance and no covariance term obtained a wrong weight,
resulting in wrong results,
+ Results reported for stochastic simulations after `osr` were based
on the last parameter vector encountered during optimization,
which does not necessarily coincide with the optimal parameter
+ Using only one (co)variance in the objective function resulted in crashes,
+ For models with non-stationary variables the objective function was computed wrongly.
- Ramsey policy
+ If a Lagrange multiplier appeared in the model with a lead or a lag
of more than one period, the steady state could be wrong.
+ When using an external steady state file, incorrect steady states
could be accepted,
+ When using an external steady state file with more than one
instrument, Dynare crashed,
+ When using an external steady state file and running `stoch_simul`
after `ramsey_planner`, an incorrect steady state was used,
+ When the number of instruments was not equal to the number of
omitted equations, Dynare crashed with a cryptic message,
+ The `planner_objective` accepted `varexo`, but ignored them for computations,
- Shock decomposition
+ Did not work with the `parameter_set=calibration` option if an
`estimated_params` block is present,
+ Crashed after MLE.
- Perfect foresight models
+ The perfect foresight solver could accept a complex solution
instead of continuing to look for a real-valued one,
+ The `initval_file` command only accepted column and not row vectors,
+ The `initval_file` command did not work with Excel files,
+ Deterministic simulations with one boundary condition crashed in
`solve_one_boundary` due to a missing underscore when passing
+ Deterministic simulation with exogenous variables lagged by more
than one period crashed,
+ Termination criterion `maxit` was hard-coded for `solve_algo=0`
and could no be changed,
+ When using `block`/`bytecode`, relational operators could not be enforced,
+ When using `block` some exceptions were not properly handled,
leading to code crashes,
+ Using `periods=1` crashed the solver (bug only partially fixed).
- Smoothing
+ The univariate Kalman smoother returned wrong results when used
with correlated measurement error,
+ The diffuse smoother sometimes returned linear combinations of the
smoothed stochastic trend estimates instead of the original trend
- Perturbation reduced form
+ In contrast to what is stated in the manual, the results of the
unconditional variance decomposition were only stored in
`oo_.gamma_y(nar+2)`, not in `oo_.variance_decomposition`,
+ Dynare could crash when the steady state could not be computed
when using the `loglinear` option,
+ Using `bytcode` when declared exogenous variables were not
used in the model leaded to crashes in stochastic simulations,
+ Displaying decision rules involving lags of auxiliary variables of
type 0 (leads>1) crashed.
+ The `relative_irf` option resulted in wrong output at `order>1` as
it implicitly relies on linearity.
- Displaying of the MH-history with the `internals` command crashed
if parameter names did not have same length.
- Dynare crashed when the user-defined steady state file returned an
error code, but not an conformable-sized steady state vector.
- Due to a bug in `mjdgges.mex` unstable parameter draws with
eigenvalues up to 1+1e-6 could be accepted as stable for the
purpose of the Blanchard-Kahn conditions, even if `qz_criterium<1`.
- The `use_dll` option on Octave for Windows required to pass a
compiler flag at the command line, despite the manual stating this
was not necessary.
- Dynare crashed for models with `block` option if the Blanchard-Kahn
conditions were not satisfied instead of generating an error
- The `verbose` option did not work with `model(block)`.
- When falsely specifying the `model(linear)` for nonlinear models,
incorrect steady states were accepted instead of aborting.
- The `STEADY_STATE` operator called on model local variables
(so-called pound variables) did not work as expected.
- The substring operator in macro-processor was broken. The
characters of the substring could be mixed with random characters
from the memory space.
- Block decomposition could sometimes cause the preprocessor to crash.
- A bug when external functions were used in model local variables
that were contained in equations that required auxiliary
variable/equations led to crashes of Matlab.
- Sampling from the prior distribution for an inverse gamma II
distribution when `prior_trunc>0` could result in incorrect
- Sampling from the prior distribution for a uniform distribution
when `prior_trunc>0` was ignoring the prior truncation.
- Conditional forecasts were wrong when the declaration of endogenous
variables was not preceeding the declaration of the exogenous
variables and parameters. |