allow to associate initial conditions to shocks in shocks grouping for shock decomposition plots
It would be useful to have an interface for a command like init2shocks
, which accepts couples of names. first an endo name, second a shock name
endoname1 exoname1;
endoname2 exoname1;
endoname3 exoname2;
there can be multiple endo names for one exo, but NOT viceversa.
The preprocessor should translate this into a cell matrix as follows:
M_.init2shocks = {
default will be: M_.init2shocks = {};
Then we need a new option init2shocks
for plot_shock_decomposition(init2shocks)
. If it is called, the preprocessor will trigger
options_.plot_shock_decomp.init2shocks = M_.init2shocks;
otherwise it should be empty (by default).
options_.plot_shock_decomp.init2shocks =[];
with this definitions, plot_shock_decompo will attribute the initial condition effect of endo variables to the shock/shock group.
Edited by Marco Ratto