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Fixing the regression in behavior in evaluate_planner_objective (Ref: #1680)

Merged Johannes Pfeifer requested to merge JohannesPfeifer/dynare:ramsey_shock into master
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@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ function planner_objective_value = evaluate_planner_objective(M_,options_,oo_)
% options_: (structure) options
% oo_: (structure) output results
% planner_objective_value (double)
% planner_objective_value (structure)
%Returns a vector containing first order or second-order approximations of
% - the unconditional expectation of the planner's objective function
% - the conditional expectation of the planner's objective function starting from the non-stochastic steady state and allowing for future shocks
% depending on the value of options_.order.
%Returns a structure containing approximations of
% - the unconditional expectation of the planner's objective function in the field unconditional
% - the conditional expectations of the planner's objective function starting from the non-stochastic steady state in the field conditional
% - with Lagrange multipliers initially set to zero in the field zero_initial_multiplier
% - with lagrange multipliers initially set to their initial values in the field steady_initial_multiplier
% Approximations are consistent with the order specified in options_order.
% none
@@ -38,8 +40,6 @@ function planner_objective_value = evaluate_planner_objective(M_,options_,oo_)
% Taking the unconditional expectation yields E(U) = Ubar and E(W) = Ubar/(1-beta)
% As for conditional welfare, a first-order approximation leads to
% W = Wbar + W_y yhat_{t-1} + W_u u_t
% The approximated conditional expectation of the planner's objective function taking at the non-stochastic steady-state and allowing for future shocks thus verifies
% W (y, 0, 1) = Wbar
% Similarly, taking the unconditional expectation of a second-order approximation of utility around the non-stochastic steady state yields a second-order approximation of unconditional welfare
% E(W) = (1 - beta)^{-1} ( Ubar + U_x h_y E(yhat) + 0.5 ( (U_xx h_y^2 + U_x h_yy) E(yhat^2) + (U_xx h_u^2 + U_x h_uu) E(u^2) + U_x h_ss )
@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ function planner_objective_value = evaluate_planner_objective(M_,options_,oo_)
% As for conditional welfare, the second-order approximation of welfare around the non-stochastic steady state leads to
% W(y_{t-1}, u_t, sigma) = Wbar + W_y yhat_{t-1} + W_u u_t + W_yu yhat_{t-1} ⊗ u_t + 0.5 ( W_yy yhat_{t-1}^2 + W_uu u_t^2 + W_ss )
% The derivatives of W taken at the non-stochastic steady state can be computed as in Kamenik and Juillard (2004) "Solving Stochastic Dynamic Equilibrium Models: A k-Order Perturbation Approach".
% The approximated conditional expectation of the planner's objective function starting from the non-stochastic steady-state and allowing for future shocks thus verifies
% W(y,0,1) = Wbar + 0.5*Wss
% In the discretionary case, the model is assumed to be linear and the utility is assumed to be linear-quadratic. This changes 2 aspects of the results delinated above:
% 1) the second-order derivatives of the policy and transition functions h and g are zero.
@@ -87,7 +85,6 @@ nstatic = M_.nstatic;
nspred = M_.nspred;
beta = get_optimal_policy_discount_factor(M_.params, M_.param_names);
planner_objective_value = zeros(2,1);
if options_.ramsey_policy
if oo_.gui.ran_perfect_foresight
T = size(oo_.endo_simul,2);
@@ -98,14 +95,39 @@ if options_.ramsey_policy
[U] = feval([M_.fname '.objective.static'],oo_.endo_simul(:,t),oo_.exo_simul(t,:), M_.params);
W = U + beta*W;
planner_objective_value(1) = EW;
planner_objective_value(2) = W;
planner_objective_value = struct("conditional", W, "unconditional", EW);
planner_objective_value = struct("conditional", struct("zero_initial_multiplier", 0., "steady_initial_multiplier", 0.), "unconditional", 0.);
ys = oo_.dr.ys;
if options_.order == 1 || M_.hessian_eq_zero
[U] = feval([M_.fname '.objective.static'],ys,zeros(1,exo_nbr), M_.params);
planner_objective_value(1) = U/(1-beta);
planner_objective_value(2) = U/(1-beta);
[U,Uy] = feval([M_.fname '.objective.static'],ys,zeros(1,exo_nbr), M_.params);
Gy = dr.ghx(nstatic+(1:nspred),:);
Gu = dr.ghu(nstatic+(1:nspred),:);
gy(dr.order_var,:) = dr.ghx;
gu(dr.order_var,:) = dr.ghu;
%% Unconditional welfare
EW = U/(1-beta);
planner_objective_value.unconditional = EW;
%% Conditional welfare starting from the non-stochastic steady-state (i) with Lagrange multipliers set to their steady-state value (ii) with Lagrange multipliers set to 0
Wbar = U/(1-beta);
Wy = Uy*gy/(eye(nspred)-beta*Gy);
Wu = Uy*gu + beta*Wy*Gu;
[yhat_L_SS,yhat_L_0, u]=get_initial_state(ys,M_,dr,oo_);
W_L_SS = Wbar+Wy*yhat_L_SS+Wu*u;
W_L_0 = Wbar+Wy*yhat_L_0+Wu*u;
planner_objective_value.conditional.steady_initial_multiplier = W_L_SS;
planner_objective_value.conditional.zero_initial_multiplier = W_L_0;
elseif options_.order == 2 && ~M_.hessian_eq_zero
[U,Uy,Uyy] = feval([M_.fname '.objective.static'],ys,zeros(1,exo_nbr), M_.params);
@@ -127,6 +149,7 @@ if options_.ramsey_policy
Uyygygy = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Uyy,gy,gy);
Uyygugu = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Uyy,gu,gu);
Uyygugy = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Uyy,gu,gy);
%% Unconditional welfare
@@ -157,10 +180,13 @@ if options_.ramsey_policy
EU = U + Uy*gy*Eyhat + 0.5*((Uyygygy + Uy*gyy)*Eyhatyhat + (Uyygugu + Uy*guu)*Euu + Uy*gss);
EW = EU/(1-beta);
%% Conditional welfare starting from the non-stochastic steady-state
planner_objective_value.unconditional = EW;
%% Conditional welfare starting from the non-stochastic steady-state (i) with Lagrange multipliers set to their steady-state value (ii) with Lagrange multipliers set to 0
Wbar = U/(1-beta);
Wy = Uy*gy/(eye(nspred)-beta*Gy);
Wu = Uy*gu + beta*Wy*Gu;
if isempty(options_.qz_criterium)
options_.qz_criterium = 1+1e-6;
@@ -168,23 +194,42 @@ if options_.ramsey_policy
%solve Lyapunuv equation Wyy=gy'*Uyy*gy+Uy*gyy+beta*Wy*Gyy+beta*Gy'Wyy*Gy
Wyy = reshape(lyapunov_symm(sqrt(beta)*Gy',reshape(Uyygygy + Uy*gyy + beta*Wy*Gyy,nspred,nspred),options_.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options_.qz_criterium,options_.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 3, options_.debug),1,nspred*nspred);
Wyygugu = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,Gu,Gu);
Wyygugy = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,Gu,Gy);
Wuu = Uyygugu + Uy*guu + beta*(Wyygugu + Wy*Guu);
Wss = (Uy*gss + beta*(Wy*Gss + Wuu*M_.Sigma_e(:)))/(1-beta);
W = Wbar + 0.5*Wss;
planner_objective_value(1) = EW;
planner_objective_value(2) = W;
Wyu = Uyygugy + Uy*gyu + beta*(Wyygugy + Wy*Gyu);
[yhat_L_SS,yhat_L_0, u]=get_initial_state(ys,M_,dr,oo_);
Wyu_yu_L_SS = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyu,yhat_L_SS,u);
Wyy_yy_L_SS = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,yhat_L_SS,yhat_L_SS);
Wuu_uu_L_SS = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wuu,u,u);
W_L_SS = Wbar+Wy*yhat_L_SS+Wu*u+Wyu_yu_L_SS+0.5*(Wss+Wyy_yy_L_SS+Wuu_uu_L_SS);
Wyu_yu_L_0 = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyu,yhat_L_0,u);
Wyy_yy_L_0 = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,yhat_L_0,yhat_L_0);
Wuu_uu_L_0 = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wuu,u,u);
W_L_0 = Wbar+Wy*yhat_L_0+Wu*u+Wyu_yu_L_0+0.5*(Wss+Wyy_yy_L_0+Wuu_uu_L_0);
planner_objective_value.conditional.steady_initial_multiplier = W_L_SS;
planner_objective_value.conditional.zero_initial_multiplier = W_L_0;
%Order k code will go here!
fprintf('\nevaluate_planner_objective: order>2 unconditional welfare calculation not yet supported\n')
planner_objective_value(1) = k_order_welfare(dr, M_, options_);
planner_objective_value(2) = NaN;
if ~isempty(M_.endo_histval)
fprintf('\nevaluate_planner_objective: order>2 conditional and unconditional welfare calculations not yet supported when an histval block is provided\n')
fprintf('\nevaluate_planner_objective: order>2 conditional welfare with initial Lagrange multipliers set to zero and unconditional welfare calculations not yet supported\n')
planner_objective_value.conditional.steady_initial_multiplier = k_order_welfare(dr, M_, options_);
planner_objective_value.conditional.zero_initial_multiplier = NaN;
planner_objective_value.unconditional = NaN;
elseif options_.discretionary_policy
ys = oo_.dr.ys;
planner_objective_value = struct("conditional", struct("zero_initial_multiplier", 0., "steady_initial_multiplier", 0.), "unconditional", 0.);
[U,Uy,Uyy] = feval([M_.fname '.objective.static'],ys,zeros(1,exo_nbr), M_.params);
Gy = dr.ghx(nstatic+(1:nspred),:);
@@ -196,6 +241,7 @@ elseif options_.discretionary_policy
Uyygygy = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Uyy,gy,gy);
Uyygugu = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Uyy,gu,gu);
Uyygugy = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Uyy,gu,gy);
%% Unconditional welfare
@@ -222,34 +268,99 @@ elseif options_.discretionary_policy
EU = U + Uy*gy*Eyhat + 0.5*(Uyygygy*Eyhatyhat + Uyygugu*Euu);
EW = EU/(1-beta);
planner_objective_value.unconditional = EW;
%% Conditional welfare starting from the non-stochastic steady-state
Wbar = U/(1-beta);
Wy = Uy*gy/(eye(nspred)-beta*Gy);
Wu = Uy*gu + beta*Wy*Gu;
%solve Lyapunuv equation Wyy=gy'*Uyy*gy+beta*Gy'Wyy*Gy
Wyy = reshape(lyapunov_symm(sqrt(beta)*Gy',reshape(Uyygygy,nspred,nspred),options_.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options_.qz_criterium,options_.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 3, options_.debug),1,nspred*nspred);
Wyygugu = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,Gu,Gu);
Wyygugy = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,Gu,Gy);
Wuu = Uyygugu + beta*Wyygugu;
Wss = beta*Wuu*M_.Sigma_e(:)/(1-beta);
W = Wbar + 0.5*Wss;
planner_objective_value(1) = EW;
planner_objective_value(2) = W;
Wyu = Uyygugy + beta*Wyygugy;
[yhat_L_SS,yhat_L_0, u]=get_initial_state(ys,M_,dr,oo_);
Wyu_yu_L_SS = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyu,yhat_L_SS,u);
Wyy_yy_L_SS = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,yhat_L_SS,yhat_L_SS);
Wuu_uu_L_SS = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wuu,u,u);
W_L_SS = Wbar+Wy*yhat_L_SS+Wu*u+Wyu_yu_L_SS+0.5*(Wss+Wyy_yy_L_SS+Wuu_uu_L_SS);
Wyu_yu_L_0 = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyu,yhat_L_0,u);
Wyy_yy_L_0 = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wyy,yhat_L_0,yhat_L_0);
Wuu_uu_L_0 = A_times_B_kronecker_C(Wuu,u,u);
W_L_0 = Wbar+Wy*yhat_L_0+Wu*u+Wyu_yu_L_0+0.5*(Wss+Wyy_yy_L_0+Wuu_uu_L_0);
planner_objective_value.conditional.steady_initial_multiplier = W_L_SS;
planner_objective_value.conditional.zero_initial_multiplier = W_L_0;
if ~options_.noprint
if options_.ramsey_policy
if oo_.gui.ran_perfect_foresight
fprintf('\nSimulated value of unconditional welfare: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value(1))
fprintf('\nSimulated value of conditional welfare: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value(2))
fprintf('\nSimulated value of unconditional welfare: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value.unconditional)
fprintf('\nSimulated value of conditional welfare: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value.conditional)
fprintf('\nApproximated value of unconditional welfare: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value(1))
fprintf('\nApproximated value of conditional welfare: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value(2))
fprintf('\nApproximated value of unconditional welfare: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value.unconditional)
fprintf('\nApproximated value of conditional welfare:\n')
fprintf(' - with initial Lagrange multipliers set to 0: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value.conditional.zero_initial_multiplier)
fprintf(' - with initial Lagrange multipliers set to steady state: %10.8f\n\n', planner_objective_value.conditional.steady_initial_multiplier)
elseif options_.discretionary_policy
fprintf('\nApproximated value of unconditional welfare with discretionary policy: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value(1))
fprintf('\nApproximated value of conditional welfare with discretionary policy: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value(2))
fprintf('\nApproximated value of unconditional welfare with discretionary policy: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value.unconditional)
fprintf('\nApproximated value of conditional welfare with discretionary policy:\n')
fprintf(' - with initial Lagrange multipliers set to 0: %10.8f\n', planner_objective_value.conditional.zero_initial_multiplier)
fprintf(' - with initial Lagrange multipliers set to steady state: %10.8f\n\n', planner_objective_value.conditional.steady_initial_multiplier)
function [yhat_L_SS,yhat_L_0, u]=get_initial_state(ys,M_,dr,oo_)
% initialize Lagrange multipliers to their steady-state values in yhat_L_SS
yhat_L_SS = ys;
% initialize Lagrange multipliers to 0 in yhat_L_0
yhat_L_0 = zeros(M_.endo_nbr,1);
if ~isempty(M_.aux_vars)
if ~isempty(M_.endo_histval)
% initialize endogenous state variable to histval if necessary
yhat_L_SS(non_mult_indices) = M_.endo_histval(non_mult_indices);
yhat_L_0(non_mult_indices) = M_.endo_histval(non_mult_indices);
yhat_L_0(non_mult_indices) = ys(non_mult_indices);
yhat_L_0 = yhat_L_0(dr.order_var(M_.nstatic+(1:M_.nspred)),1)-ys(dr.order_var(M_.nstatic+(1:M_.nspred)));
yhat_L_SS = yhat_L_SS(dr.order_var(M_.nstatic+(1:M_.nspred)),1)-ys(dr.order_var(M_.nstatic+(1:M_.nspred)));
if ~isempty(M_.det_shocks)
if ~all(oo_.exo_simul(1,:)==0)
fprintf(['\nevaluate_planner_objective: oo_.exo_simul contains simulated values for the initial period.\n'...
'evaluate_planner_objective: Dynare will ignore them and use the provided initial condition.\n'])
u =oo_.exo_steady_state;
if any(periods==0)
fprintf(['\nevaluate_planner_objective: M_.det_shocks contains values for the predetermined t=0 period.\n'...
'evaluate_planner_objective: Dynare will ignore them. Use histval to set the value of lagged innovations.\n'])
if any(periods>1)
fprintf(['\nevaluate_planner_objective: Shock values for periods not contained in the initial information set (t=1) have been provided.\n' ...
'evaluate_planner_objective: Note that they will be ignored.\n'])
if any([M_.det_shocks(shock_indices).multiplicative])
fprintf(['\nevaluate_planner_objective: Shock values need to be specified as additive.\n'])
u = oo_.exo_simul(1,:)'; %first value of simulation series (set by simult.m if periods>0), 1 otherwise