This page documents the bugs fixed in released versions of Dynare. For bugs fixed in previous versions of Dynare, please read the dedicated frozen page on the [DynareWiki](http://www.dynare.org/DynareWiki/KnownBugs).
Bugs fixed in version 5.0
* Equations marked with `static`-tags were not detrended when a `deflator` was specified (bug fixed, see #1827)
* Parallel execution of `dsge_var` estimation was broken (bug fixed in 5f732803)
* The preprocessor would incorrectly simplify forward-looking constant equations of the form `x(+1)=0` to imply `x=0` (bug fixed in Dynare/preprocessor@1cc51296)
* Under some circumstances, the use of the `model_local_variable` statement would lead to a crash of the preprocessor (see #1782)
* When using the `block`-option without `bytecode` the residuals of the static model were incorrectly displayed (bug fixed in 4b76d761)
* When using `k_order_solver`, the `simult_` function ignored requested approximation orders that differed from the one used to compute the decision rules (bug fixed in a2c60dba)
* Stochastic simulations of the `k_order_solver` without `pruning` iterated on the policy function with a zero shock vector for the first (non-endogenous) period (see #1819)
* `estimation` would ignore the mean of non-zero observables if the mean was 0 for the initial parameter vector (bug fixed in 83ea804f)
* `mode_check` would crash if a parameter was estimated to be exactly 0 (bug fixed in 58b336b2)
* `load_mh_file` would not be able to load proposal density if the previous run was done in parallel (see !1835)
* `load_mh_file` would not work with MCMC runs from Dynare versions before 4.6.2 (bug fixed in c1483b4c)
* `ramsey_model` would not correctly work with `lmmcp` (bug fixed in 1d10659b)
* `ramsey_model` would crash if a non-scalar error code was encountered during steady state finding (bug fixed in b1e72d53)
* Using undefined objects in the `planner_objective` function would yield an erroneous error message about the objective containing exogenous variables (bug fixed in preprocessor@02ee0776)
* `model_diagnostics` did not correctly handle a previous `loglinear` option (bug fixed in fbd4fa7f)
* `solve_algo=3` (csolve) would ignore user-set `maxit` and `tolf` options (bug fixed in 4e0f2bf6)
* The `planner_objective` values were not based on the correct initialization of auxiliary variables (if any were present) (bug fixed in 0d483ff8)
* The `nostrict` command line option was not ignoring unused endogenous variables in `initval`, `endval` and `histval` (bug fixed in preprocessor@02ee0776)
* `prior_posterior_statistics_core` could crash for models with eigenvalues very close to 1 (bug fixed in 5d1d5b8a)
* The display of the equation numbers in `debug` mode related to issues in the Jacobian would not correctly take auxiliary equations into account (bug fixed in ebe81eb6)
* The `resid` command was not correctly taking auxiliary and missing equations related to optimal policy (`ramsey_model`, `discretionary_policy`) into account (bug fixed in 37fbf5b6)
* `bytecode` would lock the `dynamic.bin` file upon encountering an exception, requiring a restart of MATLAB to able to rerun the file (bug fixed in 271d80ab)
* Estimation with the `block` model option would crash when calling the block Kalman filter (bug fixed in 60bf0fd3)
* The `block` model option would crash if no `initval` statement was present (bug fixed in 5e29a608)
* Having a variable with the same name as the mod-file present in the base workspace would result in a crash (bug fixed in f43ee91ed8fe2759c3918e3b270701027b8f456c and cc045caa6f0e6155d4b9e8e1cd2b38f558810ea9)
* `oo_.FilteredVariablesKStepAheadVariances` was wrongly computed in the Kalman smoother based on the previous period forecast error variance (bug fixed in 088fd641)
* Forecasts after `estimation` would not work if there were lagged exogenous variables present (bug fixed in cc045caa6f0e6155d4b9e8e1cd2b38f558810ea9)
* Forecasts after `estimation` with MC would crash if measurement errors were present (bug fixed in c8bc12ab)
* Smoother results would be infinity for auxiliary variables associated with lagged exogenous variables (bug fixed in cc045caa6f0e6155d4b9e8e1cd2b38f558810ea9)
* In rare cases, the posterior Kalman smoother could crash due to previously accepted draws violating the Blanchard-Kahn conditions when using an unrestricted state space (bug addressed in 5d1d5b8a)
* `perfect_foresight_solver` would crash for purely static problems (bug fixed in f97c1386857969791bebf27193537f738d947aa3 and 27ee801a6755df021994acf061eb07d7feebf316)
* Monte Carlo sampling in `identification` would crash if the minimal state space for the Komunjer and Ng test could not be computed (bug fixed in c60a1624)
* Monte Carlo sampling in `identification` would skip the computation of identification statistics for all subsequent parameter draws if an error was triggered by one draw (bug fixed in c60a1624)
* The `--steps`-option of Dynare++ was broken (bug fixed in 5eb76900)
* `smoother2histval` would crash if variable names were too similar (see !1800)
* `smoother2histval` was not keeping track of whether previously stored results were generated with `loglinear` (bug fixed in 2dd65100)
* The `initval_file` option was not supporting Dynare’s translation of a model into a one lead/lag-model via auxiliary variables (bug fixed in b70d99d1)
Bugs fixed in version 4.6.4
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