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  • Sébastien Villemot's avatar
    Macroprocessor: fix priority of operators · 3fd6858f
    Sébastien Villemot authored
    - == and != have now lower priority than <= < >= >, for consistency with the
      Dynare modelling language (and incidentally C and C++, but not Julia).
    - ^ has now higher priority and no associativity, for consistency with the
      Dynare modelling language (and usual arithmetic notation).
    - & has now higher priority than |, and both have lower priority than + and -,
      but higher than inequality comparators. This is not the same as C and C++ (in
      which & and | are just above && and ||), but this allows for expressions such
      as "a|b == c" to have their most natural semantics (i.e. this will compare
      the union of a and b with c; the C/C++ priority level would have resulted in
      a type error).
    Ref #5.